Our good friends Dave and Libby hosted a Vintage Garden Party this weekend for Libby’s 30th, with everyone (well, most people) turning up in 30’s-50’s attire. As most of our friends are in the Oxford Operatic Society, we have quite a number of these elaborate parties – which are always great fun!
When Clare and I opened our wardrobes in the morning to select an appropriate outfit for the afternoon, Clare seemed to have no-trouble in selecting something to wear, though my wardrobe is a little less, how shall I put this, colourful, than hers! Never the less, we were soon ready and with a selection of cakes Clare had baked that morning, we set off.
The garden was filled with bunting, sandwiches, scones, tea cakes – and antique china tea cups for those who weren’t sipping champagne. It was a great afternoon, with the Bank Holiday weather holding out for everyone to enjoy. I had my nifty fifty on my camera, which I find works great at these occasions – and took a small selection of photos from the afternoon. Enjoy!