A White Christmas

Finally, we had a white Christmas this year! It wasn’t quite how the films depict; transport grinded to a halt, supermarkets ran out of brussle sprouts and the mail is still delivering Christmas cards to us! Though all of this was soon forgotten come Christmas day – we stayed up at Clare’s parents on Christmas eve and travelled to Clare’s sisters on Christmas day, where Kate and Rob announced they had got engaged that morning! He presented Kate with a kitten in one hand and a diamond engagement ring in the other. Already 2011 looks to be a busy year in the family!

In the early afternoon Clare and I headed down south to spend the rest of Christmas day with my family. We enjoyed a superb Christmas lunch that my mother had prepared for everyone, before giving and receiving presents. The next morning we set out on a Boxing Day walk and enjoyed some spectacular views of the snow covered valleys, before finishing in the local village pub!

A couple of days later, Clare and I travelled to Brighton to visit my great granddad to celebrate his 100th birthday. He received a telegram and a card from the Queen, which took pride place amongst his other birthday cards.

Here are a collection of photos I took over the festive period.

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