New Year in Wales

So here we are, 2012 – another year on. And what a year! Clare and I bought our first house together, attended nine weddings, got married (!) and enjoyed the Christmas holiday with close friends and family before driving down to Wales to see in the New Year with friends.

Around fifteen of us stayed in a lovely cottage near Chepstow, not far over the Severn Bridge into Wales. The cottage offered great views over a valley with a small river running through. After enjoying some great food Ed and Tony cooked up for us on the Friday night, and a game of Articulate, we set off Saturday lunchtime for a brisk walk to the pub! We had a little trouble finding a crossing point for the river, but Simon lead the way to a footbridge over the river, through the marshes, past the Sheeeeps Teeeefff, over the barbed-wire fence and down the hill into the pub! Bravo!

That evening we all took part in a Murder Mystery, The Night Before Christmas, which was great fun. Ed and Tony once again put on a superb meal for us all, whilst Antony tried to throw people off the scent that he was the killer.

We spent our last day in the cottage lounging around, watching DVDs, going for walks and playing poker. We all enjoyed a really relaxed and fun weekend – a big thank you to Amy and Tony for organising our stay, and to Tony and Ed for all their efforts in the kitchen.

Here are some snaps from our weekend – you can download them all here.

2 thoughts on “New Year in Wales

  1. Ism says:

    These are frickin’ awesome!! Love our carlsberg trophy cabinet, and the free range children and animals! x


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