Clare’s been asking me to post this one for a while… on Boxing Day 2012, Clare and I set off for New York for a much needed break. We arrived in New York City, at our hotel The Library (next to the public Library) in time for dinner. I remember the weather being rough – howling winds and heavy rain lashing at the empty sidewalks. It was quite surreal to think it was Boxing Day and we were sat in New York having dinner. I remember the city being very quiet – people still out of town spending the holiday with friends and family.
Over the next few days the city got a lot busier. With it being our second trip together to New York, Clare and I explored some of sights we had missed on our first trip. We first visited Ground Zero, on a cold, wet winters morning – the clouds hiding the top of One World Trade Center, which was still under construction at the time. We visited the pools lined with the names of those who had lost their lives on nine eleven. I found the experience quite eerie having been up to the top of the World Trade Center a few years before in 1998.
We continued to walk around the city, mainly around the Meatpacking District, Washington Square, Central Park and quite a bit of time on 5th Avenue which is always busy. We picked the perfect day to walk across Brooklyn Bridge – a bright, cold, crisp afternoon which offered some fantastic views of the city.
Central Station is a favorite of ours – it’s a fantastic place to stop and ‘people watch’. I love looking at the departure boards and seeing where all the trains are going to. We went to The Campbell Apartment in Central Station – a 1920’s type bar where we enjoyed some cocktails before going for dinner. I’d certainly recommend stopping by if you’re ever in the area.
We were fortunate enough to get a little snow whilst walking around Central Park. It was coming down quite heavily for some time – I managed to get a nice photo of a bloke under an umbrella reading “I’ll be there for you” from the famous sitcom Friends, which we didn’t notice until looking back at the photos!
I didn’t take too many photos on this trip – we were quite tired from all the build up to Christmas, and it was bloody freezing in New York! Here’s a few snaps from our trip: