Vive la France!

Towards the end of September, my fiancée and I embarked on a trip around France, stopping in Epernay, Beaune, Morzine, Monaco, Nice and Chenonceaux. We had fantastic weather for the majority of our time away! We took the opportunity to sample a number of champagnes in Epernay and then continued south to spend a long weekend in the Alps, where we relaxed in a cosey log cabin, with our books and some fantastic views over the valleys. We then set off for the south coast, to spend a few days on the beaches of Monaco and Nice for Clare’s birthday – bliss!

On our return we spent a couple of days looking around some of the Chateaux in the Loire Valley; namely in Chambord, Amboise and Chenonceaux. Both Clare and I had travelled a lot through France with our parents – so it was really interesting for both of us to visit Monaco, Nice and the Loire Valley again.

Epernay - Tattinger VineyardEpernay VineyardsBouneBouneMorzineMorzineMorzineMonaco HarbourMonaco HarbourMonaco CasinoMonaco TunnelMonacoMonaco BeachesMonacoMonaco HarbourMonaco - AquariumMonaco - CasinoMonacoSunset in NiceChambord ChateuxChenonceaux ChateuxChenonceaux

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