Amy & Tony

Our very good friends, Amy and Tony – aka, the Jackalloys! Got hitched at the beginning of the month. Clare and I set off early Saturday morning for Stratford and found our good friend Locky in the pub, so we joined him for a Gin (or two..) before heading onto the church for some pre-wedding singing rehearsals. I’m not sure why Locky appears naked in the rehearsal photos, but it’s not at all surprising!

Onto the wedding – which was beautiful from start to finish. The happy couple had added lots of personal touches to the church and reception venue, which really made the day for us. We enjoyed a lovely afternoon reception dinner – though I think we ended up on the rowdy table again. How does this always happen, Clare!? Hannah got lost in the kitchens, Libby spent most of the afternoon walking around the table clinking glasses, and someone announced Cat was pregnant (as a joke) – at which point everyone in the room turned around!

The speeches were followed by some drinks and more photos outside, before Amy and Tony kicked off the evening with their very impressive first dance! Later on, we all had the opportunity to write some messages with sparklers for the married couple. I was amazed at how creative some people were..!

Clare and I have got to know Amy and Tony very well over the years, and we were so happy for them on the day. Here are some photos I snapped from the Malloy Wedding:


5 thoughts on “Amy & Tony

  1. Ism says:

    They are awesome as ever mate! Love the sparkler photos… was that Locky and Gibbo on the third sparkler one???

  2. Andrew says:

    I believe so – there were some other feeble attempts, so Locky had to step in and show people how it’s done!

  3. Ann Jackson says:

    Love the wedding photos. They are brilliant. Would like some for my ever-growing wedding album if possible.


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