• Welcome to my blog!

    This is a place where I can share my favorite photos online with friends and family.

    My interest in photography stems from early childhood, where my father often let me take photos with his Pantax SLR. There was something about the camera that I found fascinating - the ability to freeze time and capture the moment.

    So I decided to create this photo blog - a small window into my world and how I see it. The thing I love about photography is the way it teaches you to look at the world slightly differently - take a step back or to the left and your whole view of something changes completely. It helps you appreciate the little things in life - that at the time might pass you by.

    Feel free to have a nosy around - leave a comment or drop me an email. Below are some recent photos from my Instagram feed:

    On the 17th of December 2015, our good friends Sam and Matt were married at St Luke’s Church in Chelsea, London. They had asked me to take a few photos on the day – it was the first wedding I had been asked to photograph, so I was keen to make sure I didn’t miss a shot! After the ceremony we jumped in a London cab and headed to Albert Bridge for some more photos. The lighting was perfect! The sun was just setting, the bridge was lit with thousands of light bulbs, and Matt and Sam were incredibly happy.

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    The last one of these we had in the UK was in 1999, I remember watching it in the garden with my parents – with our solar glasses and pin-hole cameras. This time the British weather was against us, with a thick overcast sky blocking out any hope of a clear view. Thankfully, about twenty minutes before the eclipse was due to peak, the cloud layer began to break up – and in fact, provided a perfect ‘screen’ to view the eclipse without any glasses or colanders…

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